
Welcome to Teams Medical Practice

Our Practice is highly Patient focused and we have a multidisciplinary approach to patients’ health care. We aim to deliver the best for our patients by combining the skills of the practice team with other health and social care workers in the community. We provide modern health care facilities and focus on continually improving the health of our patients and residents of the community.

 This Practice is a research active organisation which seeks to give all patients the opportunity to participate in clinical research to improve care.

Important Practice Information

We have some exciting news, which we will be sending to patients by text or letter as well.

Teams Medical Practice and Glenpark Medical Practice are proposing a merger to form one partnership whilst still retaining the two surgery sites. This will ensure that both practices are financially secure and can continue providing high-quality services to the local community. We hope this merger will take place on 1st July 2024.

Why are we merging? The NHS, in particular General Practice, is under increasing pressure. We need to look at innovative ways to provide high quality care for our patients and new ways of working at scale to be sustainable. The partners at Glenpark and Teams share similar values and are geographically very close, with overlapping practice boundaries. 

This is an exciting opportunity which will help to create a stable partnership and sustainable, long-term primary health care. Subject to approval from North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB), the new Partnership would run services from both existing sites (Teams and Glenpark). There are no proposed redundancies or job losses for our staff.

Today, we are launching a 6 week engagement programme where patients and local stakeholders can ask questions or share their views about the proposed merger. There is lots more information on this website https://www.glenparkteamsmerger.co.uk/ 

Please let us know your thoughts using the online survey here; https://eu.surveymonkey.com/r/glenparkteamsmerger 

We have these feedback forms on paper at Teams Medical Practice as well for those who prefer it.

Thank you,

Dr Mark Dornan and Dr Stephanie Zamoyski

Partners of Teams Medical Practice

NHS Friends and Family

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Latest CQC Inspection

The SOLID study Participant Information Sheet

You may have received a text invite form us relating to the SOLID study. This programme aims to identify people with liver disease before irreversible damage has occurred. Undiagnosed liver disease is common in the community, and it is often not identified as people have no symptoms.


If you have received an invite and are interested, please click HERE to get the process started. You will be asked to complete a short questionnaire to identify eligibility. if eligible the study will contact you to explore further information before asking us to invite you in for the appointments.


Please click for The SOLID study Participant Information Sheet